Universe Pharmaceuticals Ownership 2024 | Who Owns Universe Pharmaceuticals Now?


Institutional Ownership


Insider Ownership


Retail Ownership


Institutional Holders


Universe Pharmaceuticals Institutional Shareholders

Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Shares

Name% Total Shares% Total AssetsCurrent SharesChange AmountChange %Market ValueDate
ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC----39,329-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC----18,483-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
HRT FINANCIAL LP----16,700-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023

Universe Pharmaceuticals's largest institutional shareholder is ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC, holding 0.00% of the company's total share outstanding, currently valued at -. The top 10 institutional shareholders own together 0.00% of the company.

Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

Name% Total Shares% Total AssetsCurrent SharesChange AmountChange %Market ValueDate
ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC----39,329-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC----18,483-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
HRT FINANCIAL LP----16,700-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023

The largest Universe Pharmaceuticals shareholder by % of total assets is ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC. The company owns 0.00 shares of Universe Pharmaceuticals (UPC), representing 0.00% of its total assets.

Institutional Buyers

Name% Total Shares% Total AssetsCurrent SharesChange AmountChange %Market ValueDate
HRT FINANCIAL LP----16,700-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC----18,483-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC----39,329-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023

As of Sep 30 2023, Universe Pharmaceuticals's largest institutional buyer is HRT FINANCIAL LP. The company purchased -16.70K stocks of UPC, valued at -.

Institutional Sellers

Name% Total Shares% Total AssetsCurrent SharesChange AmountChange %Market ValueDate
ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC----39,329-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC----18,483-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
HRT FINANCIAL LP----16,700-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023

As of Sep 30 2023, Universe Pharmaceuticals's biggest institutional seller is ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC. The company sold -39.33K shares of UPC, valued at -.

Institutional New positions

Name% Total Shares% Total AssetsCurrent SharesChange AmountChange %Market ValueDate

Institutional Sold Out

Name% Total Shares% Total AssetsCurrent SharesChange AmountChange %Market ValueDate
ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC----39,329-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC----18,483-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023
HRT FINANCIAL LP----16,700-100.00%-Sep 30, 2023

Universe Pharmaceuticals's largest sold out institutional shareholder by shares sold is ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC, sold -39.33K shares, valued at -, as of undefined.

Universe Pharmaceuticals Institutional Ownership Trends

Institutional Holdings Trend

DateHoldingsChange %
30 Jun, 234100.00%
31 Mar, 232-33.33%
31 Dec, 223-
30 Sep, 223-25.00%
30 Jun, 224-
31 Mar, 224-20.00%
31 Dec, 215-
30 Sep, 215150.00%
30 Jun, 212-50.00%
31 Mar, 214-

As of 30 Jun 23, 4 institutions are holding Universe Pharmaceuticals's shares, representing an increase of 100.00% compared to the previous quarter.

Shares Outstanding Trend

DateShares OutstandingChange %
30 Jun, 2398,53237.71%
31 Mar, 2371,5498.82%
31 Dec, 2265,74948.68%
30 Sep, 2244,223-84.73%
30 Jun, 22289,650-73.84%
31 Mar, 221,107,394-7.19%
31 Dec, 211,193,142249.59%
30 Sep, 21341,302734.09%
30 Jun, 2140,919-50.64%
31 Mar, 2182,906-

Universe Pharmaceuticals (UPC) has 98.53K shares outstanding as of 30 Jun 23, up 37.71% compared to the previous quarter.

Institutional Ownership Trend

DateOwnership %Change %
30 Jun, 230.47%404.20%
31 Mar, 230.34%347.56%
31 Dec, 220.31%757.45%
30 Sep, 220.20%11.47%
30 Jun, 221.33%3.91%
31 Mar, 225.83%14.76%
31 Dec, 216.29%194.42%
30 Sep, 211.80%3868.69%
30 Jun, 210.22%113.00%
31 Mar, 210.44%-

As of 30 Jun 23, Universe Pharmaceuticals is held by 0.47% institutional shareholders, representing a 404.20% growth compared to 31 Mar 23.

Institutional Increased Positions Trend

DateIncreased PositionsChange %
30 Jun, 232100.00%
31 Mar, 231-
31 Dec, 221-50.00%
30 Sep, 222-
30 Jun, 222-
31 Mar, 22--100.00%
31 Dec, 21525.00%
30 Sep, 214300.00%
30 Jun, 211-75.00%
31 Mar, 214-

2 institutional shareholders have increased their position in UPC stock as of 30 Jun 23 compared to 1 in the previous quarter (a 100.00% increase).

Institutional Reduced Positions Trend

DateReduced PositionsChange %
30 Jun, 231-
31 Mar, 23--100.00%
31 Dec, 222-
30 Sep, 22--100.00%
30 Jun, 221-66.67%
31 Mar, 223-
31 Dec, 21--
30 Sep, 21--100.00%
30 Jun, 211-
31 Mar, 21--

1 institutional shareholders have reduced their position in UPC stock as of 30 Jun 23 compared to - in the previous quarter (a 0.00% increase).

All Institutional Ownership Trend Data

DateHoldingsChange %Shares OutstandingChange %Ownership %Change %Increased PositionsChange %Reduced PositionsChange %
30 Jun, 234100.00%98,53237.71%0.47%404.20%2100.00%1-
31 Mar, 232-33.33%71,5498.82%0.34%347.56%1---100.00%
31 Dec, 223-65,74948.68%0.31%757.45%1-50.00%2-
30 Sep, 223-25.00%44,223-84.73%0.20%11.47%2---100.00%
30 Jun, 224-289,650-73.84%1.33%3.91%2-1-66.67%
31 Mar, 224-20.00%1,107,394-7.19%5.83%14.76%--100.00%3-
31 Dec, 215-1,193,142249.59%6.29%194.42%525.00%--
30 Sep, 215150.00%341,302734.09%1.80%3868.69%4300.00%--100.00%
30 Jun, 212-50.00%40,919-50.64%0.22%113.00%1-75.00%1-
31 Mar, 214-82,906-0.44%-4---

Universe Pharmaceuticals Insider Shareholders Trades

Open Market Insider Trades

DateNameRelationRoleTransactionBuy/SellSharesPriceValueShares HeldSource

Open Market Insider Buys

DateNameRelationRoleTransactionBuy/SellSharesPriceValueShares HeldSource

Insider Sells

DateNameRelationRoleTransactionBuy/SellSharesPriceValueShares HeldSource
Jun 30, 2004POYNTER LOU ANNdirector-Sell---181,862
May 04, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, MemphD-ReturnSell6,468$27.75$179.49K73,325
May 04, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, MemphF-InKindSell766$27.75$21.26K72,559
May 04, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, MemphM-ExemptSell9,364$19.17$179.48K29,055

All Insider Owners Trades

DateNameRelationRoleTransactionBuy/SellSharesPriceValueShares HeldSource
Jun 30, 2004HARTON LYNNofficer-Buy----
Jun 30, 2004HENRIQUES ADOLFOofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, FLBuy---675
Jun 30, 2004HENRIQUES ADOLFOofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, FLBuy---338
Jun 30, 2004MOORE JACKSON Wdirector, officer Chairman and Chief Executive OBuy----
Jun 30, 2004POYNTER LOU ANNdirector-Sell---181,862
Jun 30, 2004POYNTER LOU ANNdirector-Buy---90,000
Jun 30, 2004POYNTER LOU ANNdirector-Buy---81,554
Jun 30, 2004POYNTER LOU ANNdirector-Buy---3,719
Jun 30, 2004ROBERTS JOHN Rdirector Buy----
Jun 30, 2004SCHENCK STEVE Jofficer-Buy----
Jun 30, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer-Buy----
May 04, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, MemphM-ExemptBuy9,364$19.17$179.48K81,923
May 04, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, MemphD-ReturnSell6,468$27.75$179.49K73,325
May 04, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, MemphF-InKindSell766$27.75$21.26K72,559
May 04, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, MemphM-ExemptSell9,364$19.17$179.48K29,055
May 04, 2004WHITE JOHN Vofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, MemphA-AwardBuy7,234$27.75$200.74K7,234
Apr 23, 2004HARTON LYNNofficer Senior Executive V.P.J-OtherBuy126--126
Apr 22, 2004HENRIQUES ADOLFOofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, FLJ-OtherBuy28--671
Apr 22, 2004HENRIQUES ADOLFOofficer CEO,Union Planters Bank, FLJ-OtherBuy295--524
Apr 22, 2004MOORE JACKSON Wdirector, officer Chairman and Chief Executive OJ-OtherBuy305$30.20$9.22K27,944

The last insider sell of Universe Pharmaceuticals's stock was made by POYNTER LOU ANN on Jun 30 2004, selling - shares at - per share (valued at -).

Universe Pharmaceuticals Insider Ownership Trends

All Insider Trades Trend

DateBuySellBuy/Sell Ratio

Open Market Insider Trades Trend

DateBuySellBuy/Sell Ratio

Universe Pharmaceuticals Peer Ownership

QLIQilian International Holding Group Limited
TKNOAlpha Teknova, Inc.
PAHCPhibro Animal Health Corporation
RGCRegencell Bioscience Holdings Limited
SSICSilver Spike Investment Corp.
PROCProcaps Group S.A.
IMCCIM Cannabis Corp.
EGRXEagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

UPC Ownership FAQ

Universe Pharmaceuticals is owned by institutional shareholders (0.47%), insiders (8.80%), and public (90.73%). The largest institutional shareholder of Universe Pharmaceuticals is ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC (0% of total shares) and the top mutual fund owner is (0% of total shares).

Universe Pharmaceuticals's major institutional shareholders are ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC, TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC, and HRT FINANCIAL LP. The top five shareholders own together 0% of the company's share outstanding.

As of Jun 2023, there are 4 institutional shareholders of Universe Pharmaceuticals.

ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC owns 0 shares of Universe Pharmaceuticals, representing 0% of the company's total shares outstanding, valued at $0 (as of Sep 2023).

As of Sep 2023, TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC holds 0 shares of Universe Pharmaceuticals (UPC), compromising 0% of the company, valued at $0.

HRT FINANCIAL LP is the third largest holder of Universe Pharmaceuticals. The company owns 0 of the company's shares outstanding (worth $0).