Afya Ownership | Who Owns Afya?


Afya Ownership Summary

Afya is owned by 12.24% institutional investors, 84.14% insiders, and 3.62% retail investors. Fmr is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 3.82% of AFYA shares. Fidelity International Small Cap is the top mutual fund, with 1.73% of its assets in Afya shares.

AFYA Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
SectorConsumer Defensive Stocks 52.26%13.83%33.91%
IndustryEducation Stocks 42.04%12.35%45.60%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Bamco inc /ny/2.70M3.00%$47.68M
Softbank group2.43M2.70%$42.95M
Marshall wace, llp336.99K0.37%$5.95M
Doma perpetual capital management294.91K0.33%$5.21M
Millennium management291.16K0.32%$5.14M
Morgan stanley204.24K0.23%$3.60M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Doma perpetual capital management294.91K2.41%$5.21M
Softbank group2.43M0.22%$42.95M
Lifestyle asset management14.78K0.15%$260.94K
Bamco inc /ny/2.70M0.14%$47.68M
Renaissance group158.19K0.11%$2.79M
Campbell & co investment adviser52.01K0.08%$917.98K
Gsa capital partners llp54.61K0.07%$964.00K
State of wyoming4.58K0.01%$80.82K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Marshall wace, llp336.99K0.01%99.42K
Millennium management291.16K0.00%90.38K
Gsa capital partners llp54.61K0.07%37.96K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Massachusetts financial services co /ma/---328.55K
Bamco inc /ny/2.70M0.14%-265.18K
Ameriprise financial32.94K0.00%-80.06K
Jefferies financial group---39.55K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Trexquant investment lp22.82K0.01%22.82K$402.74K
Balyasny asset management16.46K0.00%16.46K$290.57K
Northern trust10.56K-10.56K$186.45K
Nverses capital800.000.01%800.00$14.12K
Ronald blue trust253.000.00%253.00$4.70K

Sold Out

Nelson, van denburg & campbell wealth management group-172.00
Mather group, llc.-358.00
Hollencrest capital management-400.00
Entrypoint capital-1.28K
Wells fargo & company/mn-1.99K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 20247618.75%11,128,385-8.68%126.67%4437.50%22-8.33%
Jun 30, 202463-1.56%12,185,730-2.55%136.98%31-6.06%244.35%
Mar 31, 2024646.67%12,504,143-3.30%136.71%3310.00%23-4.17%
Dec 31, 2023603.45%12,931,289-2.22%146.64%3036.36%24-7.69%
Sep 30, 202358-3.33%13,224,807-12.44%145.22%2210.00%26-10.34%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Fidelity International Small Cap1.56M1.73%203.10K
Turim 21 ABC II FIA RL1.46M1.62%-
Baron Emerging Markets Strategy1.24M1.37%-18.97K
Baron Emerging Markets Institutional1.24M1.37%-18.97K
Turim 21 Abc III FIA RL1.06M1.17%-
Larrain Vial SICAV LatAm S&M Cap Eq I955.55K1.06%-
Fidelity Advisor Emerg Mkts Discv I728.46K0.81%-
Fidelity Latin America580.49K0.64%-238.24K
Baron Global Advantage Strategy483.26K0.53%-81.94K
Baron Global Advantage Institutional483.26K0.53%-81.94K

AFYA Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Afya?

Afya shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 12.24%, followed by 84.14% insiders and 3.62% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Afya's industry, Education Stocks , is 42.04%, which Afya falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Afya?

Afya’s largest shareholders are Fmr (3.44M shares, 3.82%), Bamco inc /ny/ (2.7M shares, 3.00%), and Softbank group (2.43M shares, 2.70%). Together, they hold 9.53% of Afya’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Afya?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Afya.

Who is Afya’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Doma perpetual capital management is Afya’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 2.41% of its assets in 294.91K Afya shares, valued at 5.21M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Afya shares?

Fidelity International Small Cap is the top mutual fund holder of Afya shares, with 1.73% of its total shares outstanding invested in 1.56M Afya shares.

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