Adecoagro Ownership | Who Owns Adecoagro?


Adecoagro Ownership Summary

Adecoagro is owned by 43.25% institutional investors, 18.05% insiders, and 38.70% retail investors. Route one investment company is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 9.61% of AGRO shares. Jennison SMid Cap Core Equity is the top mutual fund, with 3.13% of its assets in Adecoagro shares.

AGRO Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
SectorConsumer Defensive Stocks 52.71%13.91%33.39%
IndustryFarm Stocks 51.27%13.93%34.80%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Route one investment company10.08M9.61%$98.04M
Helikon investments6.98M6.92%$65.79M
Jennison associates5.13M5.09%$48.41M
Pggm investments4.50M4.46%$42.44M
Herr investment group2.65M2.53%$25.78M
Discovery capital management, llc / ct2.38M2.27%$23.12M
Westwood global investments1.79M1.71%$17.40M
Grantham, mayo, van otterloo1.70M1.62%$16.49M
Mirae asset global etfs1.03M0.99%$10.06M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Helikon investments6.98M6.85%$65.79M
Route one investment company10.08M3.40%$98.04M
Discovery capital management, llc / ct2.38M2.97%$23.12M
Herr investment group2.65M1.72%$25.78M
Walnut level capital241.32K1.04%$2.35M
Westwood global investments1.79M0.87%$17.40M
Cloverfields capital group, lp179.36K0.59%$1.75M
Pggm investments4.50M0.56%$42.44M
Claret asset management281.94K0.49%$2.74M
683 capital management500.00K0.37%$4.87M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Mirae asset global etfs1.03M0.02%1.03M
Discovery capital management, llc / ct2.38M2.97%667.88K
Herr investment group2.65M1.72%616.35K
Gmt capital579.00K0.21%579.00K
683 capital management500.00K0.37%500.00K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Route one investment company10.08M3.40%-1.54M
Jennison associates5.13M0.03%-713.66K
Grantham, mayo, van otterloo1.70M0.06%-691.90K
Boston partners---552.97K
Millennium management351.33K0.00%-522.81K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Mirae asset global etfs1.03M0.02%1.03M$10.06M
Gmt capital579.00K0.21%579.00K$5.63M
683 capital management500.00K0.37%500.00K$4.87M
Ping capital management113.00K0.34%113.00K$1.10M
Carrera capital advisors94.03K0.21%94.03K$886.75K

Sold Out

National bank of canada /fi/-90.00
Planned solutions-120.00
Federation des caisses desjardins du quebec-150.00
Lazard asset management-229.00
Camelot portfolios-600.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 2024109-8.40%43,832,826-8.17%432.09%48-28.36%4643.75%
Jun 30, 2024119-0.83%47,734,1242.22%452.40%6734.00%31-34.04%
Mar 31, 20241203.45%46,696,903-2.87%432.17%50-37.50%47147.37%
Dec 31, 202311626.09%48,075,267-0.17%442.24%8090.48%19-44.12%
Sep 30, 2023928.24%48,154,719-2.08%442.15%4216.67%349.68%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Jennison SMid Cap Core Equity3.15M3.13%-172.67K
PGIM Jennison Small Company A3.15M3.13%-
Global X MSCI Argentina ETF2.04M2.02%12.74K
GMO Resources Composite715.62K0.71%-91.05K
GMO Resources III715.62K0.71%-91.05K
Sun Life Real Assets Private Pool F411.39K0.41%-
Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small-Mid ETF320.26K0.32%-
Column Small Cap Select304.55K0.30%-107.60K
Invesco Food & Beverage ETF273.30K0.27%-

AGRO Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Adecoagro?

Adecoagro shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 43.25%, followed by 18.05% insiders and 38.70% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Adecoagro's industry, Farm Stocks , is 51.27%, which Adecoagro falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Adecoagro?

Adecoagro’s largest shareholders are Route one investment company (10.08M shares, 9.61%), Helikon investments (6.98M shares, 6.92%), and Jennison associates (5.13M shares, 5.09%). Together, they hold 21.62% of Adecoagro’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Adecoagro?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Adecoagro.

Who is Adecoagro’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Helikon investments is Adecoagro’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 6.85% of its assets in 6.98M Adecoagro shares, valued at 65.79M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Adecoagro shares?

Jennison SMid Cap Core Equity is the top mutual fund holder of Adecoagro shares, with 3.13% of its total shares outstanding invested in 3.15M Adecoagro shares.

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