Arbe Robotics Ownership | Who Owns Arbe Robotics?


Arbe Robotics Ownership Summary

Arbe Robotics is owned by 24.25% institutional investors, 18.33% insiders, and 57.42% retail investors. Awm investment company is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 9.87% of ARBE shares. M&G (ACS) Japan Equity GBPZ1A is the top mutual fund, with 4.37% of its assets in Arbe Robotics shares.

ARBE Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockArbe Robotics24.25%18.33%57.42%
SectorTechnology Stocks 54.56%11.35%34.09%
IdeaSelf Driving Car Stocks List46.05%5.56%48.39%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Awm investment company7.71M9.87%$14.73M
Y.d. more investments2.84M3.64%$5.43M
Ubs asset management americas1.69M2.16%$3.22M
Migdal insurance & financial1.40M1.79%$2.67M
Saba capital management288.06K0.37%$550.20K
Wells fargo & company/mn79.26K0.10%$151.38K
Sphera funds management43.16K0.06%$82.44K
Susquehanna group, llp39.50K0.05%$75.44K
Northern trust36.21K0.05%$69.17K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Awm investment company7.71M1.99%$14.73M
Y.d. more investments2.84M0.55%$5.43M
Migdal insurance & financial1.40M0.04%$2.67M
Ground swell capital17.70K0.03%$33.81K
Sphera funds management43.16K0.01%$82.44K
Saba capital management288.06K0.01%$550.20K
Ubs asset management americas1.69M0.00%$3.22M
Newedge advisors34.96K0.00%$66.77K
Susquehanna group, llp39.50K-$75.44K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Ubs asset management americas1.69M0.00%1.69M
Susquehanna group, llp39.50K-39.50K
Ground swell capital17.70K0.03%17.70K
Royal bank of canada1.49K-257.00
Saba capital management288.06K0.01%-

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Peak6 investments---152.76K
Y.d. more investments2.84M0.55%-104.67K
Hightower advisors---25.00K
Parametrica management---24.58K
Simplex trading1.11K--15.61K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Ubs asset management americas1.69M0.00%1.69M$3.22M
Susquehanna group, llp39.50K-39.50K$75.44K
Ground swell capital17.70K0.03%17.70K$33.81K

Sold Out

Householder group estate & retirement specialist-87.00
Tower research capital llc (trc)-695.00
Jane street group-10.18K
Parametrica management-24.58K
Hightower advisors-25.00K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202419-5.00%18,971,8435.65%244.60%566.67%4-33.33%
Jun 30, 202420-16.67%17,956,795-1.95%224.19%3-62.50%6-
Mar 31, 202424-11.11%18,313,24734.53%237.66%814.29%6-33.33%
Dec 31, 202327-13,612,5620.00%175.67%7-928.57%
Sep 30, 202327-13,612,04712.19%175.48%7-30.00%7-

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
M&G (ACS) Japan Equity GBPZ1A3.72M4.37%-
UBS (Lux) AI and Robotics Equity SB USD1.69M1.98%59.00
Saba Capital Income & Opportunities Fund118.20K0.14%49.43K
DNB Fund - Disruptive Opp Retail A EUR102.21K0.12%-
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index43.37K0.05%-
Vardan Flexible14.00K0.02%-
Simplify Volt TSLA Revolution ETF5.68K0.01%-
Ayalon Portfolio 70/30 IL3.50K0.00%-
B. Alternative Global Equity3.00K0.00%-2.50K
B. Alternative Flexible2.00K0.00%-

Recent Insider Transactions

Jul 27, 2018AIRMONT TRUST-Sell$476.36B

ARBE Ownership FAQ

Who owns the most shares of Arbe Robotics?

Arbe Robotics’s largest shareholders are Awm investment company (7.71M shares, 9.87%), M&g (3.72M shares, 4.76%), and Y.d. more investments (2.84M shares, 3.64%). Together, they hold 18.26% of Arbe Robotics’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Arbe Robotics?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Arbe Robotics.

Who is Arbe Robotics’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Awm investment company is Arbe Robotics’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 1.99% of its assets in 7.71M Arbe Robotics shares, valued at 14.73M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Arbe Robotics shares?

M&G (ACS) Japan Equity GBPZ1A is the top mutual fund holder of Arbe Robotics shares, with 4.37% of its total shares outstanding invested in 3.72M Arbe Robotics shares.

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