Codere Online Luxembourg (CDRO) Stock Forecast, Price Target & Predictions


CDRO Stock Forecast

Codere Online Luxembourg stock forecast is as follows: an average price target of $9.00 (represents a 28.57% upside from CDRO’s last price of $7.00) and a rating consensus of 'Buy', based on 1 wall street analysts offering a 1-year stock forecast.

CDRO Price Target

The average price target for Codere Online Luxembourg (CDRO) is $9.00 based on 1-year price targets from 1 Wall Street analysts in the past 3 months, with a price target range of $9.00 to $9.00. This represents a potential 28.57% upside from CDRO's last price of $7.00.

CDRO Analyst Ratings


According to 1 Wall Street analysts, Codere Online Luxembourg's rating consensus is 'Buy'. The analyst rating breakdown for CDRO stock is 0 'Strong Buy' (0.00%), 1 'Buy' (100.00%), 0 'Hold' (0.00%), 0 'Sell' (0.00%), and 0 'Strong Sell' (0.00%).

Codere Online Luxembourg Price Target by Analyst

DateAnalystCompanyPrice TargetPrice when PublishedPrice Target/Price when PublishedPrice Target/Last Closing Price
May 16, 2024Jeff StantialStifel Nicolaus$9.00$7.4720.40%28.57%
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The latest Codere Online Luxembourg stock forecast, released on May 16, 2024 by Jeff Stantial from Stifel Nicolaus, set a price target of $9.00, which represents a 20.40% increase from the stock price at the time of the forecast ($7.47), and a 28.57% increase from CDRO last price ($7.00).

Codere Online Luxembourg Price Target by Period

# Anlaysts111
Avg Price Target$9.00$9.00$9.00
Last Closing Price$7.00$7.00$7.00

In the current month, the average price target of Codere Online Luxembourg stock is $9.00, according to 1 Wall Street analyst offering twelve months forecast. The average price target represents a 28.57% increase as opposed to Codere Online Luxembourg's last price of $7.00. This month's average price target is down 0.00% compared to last quarter, and down 0.00% compared to last year.

Analyst Ratings Upgrades/Downgrades

DateCompanyPrevious RatingNew RatingRating Change
Feb 22, 2022Noble Capital Markets-Market OutperformInitialise
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Codere Online Luxembourg's last stock rating was published by Noble Capital Markets on Feb 22, 2022. The company Initialise its CDRO rating from "null" to "Market Outperform".

Codere Online Luxembourg Peer Comparison by Price Target

TickerCompanyLast Closing PriceAvg Price TargetUpside/DownsideAvg Rating
INSEInspired Entertainment$9.10$19.50114.29%Buy Group$7.79$12.5060.46%Buy
ACELAccel Entertainment$9.94$14.7548.39%Buy
IGTInternational Game$20.29$28.2939.43%Buy
CDROCodere Online Luxembourg$7.00$9.0028.57%Buy
LNWLight & Wonder$92.88$103.0010.90%Buy

CDRO Forecast FAQ

Yes, according to 1 Wall Street analysts, Codere Online Luxembourg (CDRO) is considered a 'Buy'. The rating consensus is based on 0 'Strong Buy' and 1 'Buy' recommendations, accounting for 100.00% of CDRO's total ratings.

Codere Online Luxembourg (CDRO) average price target is $9 with a range of $9 to $9, implying a 28.57% from its last price of $7. The data is based on 1 Wall Street analysts who provided a twelve-month price target estimate in the last three months.

According to Wall Street analysts' prediction for CDRO stock, the company can go up by 28.57% (from the last price of $7 to the average price target of $9), up by 28.57% based on the highest stock price target, and up by 28.57% based on the lowest stock price target.

CDRO's average twelve months analyst stock price target of $9 does not support the claim that Codere Online Luxembourg can reach $10 in the near future.

1 Wall Street analyst forecast a $9 price target for Codere Online Luxembourg (CDRO) this month, up 28.57% from its last price of $7. Compared to the last 3 and 12 months, the average price target increased by 28.57% and increased by 28.57%, respectively.