Compugen Ownership | Who Owns Compugen?


Compugen Ownership Summary

Compugen is owned by 13.39% institutional investors, 5.38% insiders, and 81.24% retail investors. Silverarc capital management is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 1.68% of CGEN shares. Macquarie Healthcare I is the top mutual fund, with 1.14% of its assets in Compugen shares.

CGEN Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
SectorHealthcare Stocks 87.31%8.86%3.83%
IndustryBiotech Stocks 108.49%8.78%-17.27%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Silverarc capital management1.50M1.68%$2.52M
Taylor frigon capital management1.31M1.47%$2.21M
Ark investment management1.09M1.22%$1.85M
Macquarie group1.02M1.14%$1.71M
Rock springs capital management lp989.99K1.11%$1.66M
Morgan stanley753.93K0.84%$1.27M
Sphera funds management739.24K0.83%$1.24M
Goldman sachs group483.93K0.54%$813.00K
Dafna capital management462.20K0.52%$776.50K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Taylor frigon capital management1.31M1.05%$2.21M
Silverarc capital management1.50M0.59%$2.52M
Dafna capital management462.20K0.19%$776.50K
Sphera funds management739.24K0.17%$1.24M
Yelin lapidot management318.85K0.09%$535.67K
Rock springs capital management lp989.99K0.05%$1.66M
Rothschild investment221.90K0.03%$380.21K
Eagle rock investment company70.00K0.02%$117.60K
Atom investors lp119.11K0.02%$200.11K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Silverarc capital management1.50M0.59%501.11K
Goldman sachs group483.93K0.00%376.98K
Jpmorgan chase180.77K-109.64K
Atom investors lp119.11K0.02%69.09K
Ark investment management1.09M0.02%48.98K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Millennium management52.07K--352.74K
Rock springs capital management lp989.99K0.05%-300.00K
Hrt financial lp---180.27K
Jane street group---145.35K
Two sigma advisers, lp---133.38K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Secure asset management41.34K0.01%41.34K$69.46K

Sold Out

Ameriprise financial-10.21K
Raymond james financial services advisors-11.83K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202467-2.90%11,987,352-2.59%137.08%2229.41%18-30.77%
Jun 30, 202469-10.39%12,305,636-3.99%136.54%17-50.00%2652.94%
Mar 31, 202477-12,816,72718.38%149.64%3421.43%17-15.00%
Dec 31, 20237720.31%10,826,578-13.63%125.93%2812.00%2081.82%
Sep 30, 202364-1.54%12,535,5589.87%148.29%254.17%11-15.38%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Macquarie Healthcare I1.02M1.14%-
Delaware Healthcare I1.02M1.14%-
ARK Israel Innovative Technology ETF548.17K0.61%-19.42K
Taylor Frigon Core Growth242.97K0.27%-
Yelin Lapidot Global Equity241.98K0.27%-
Yelin Lapidot Growth Equity IL166.87K0.19%-
MTF TR TA-SME60 IL151.85K0.17%1.60K
DFA International Small Company I116.42K0.13%3.32K
SPDR® Portfolio Developed Wld ex-US ETF108.80K0.12%-
DFA International Core Equity I81.19K0.09%-

CGEN Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Compugen?

Compugen shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 13.39%, followed by 5.38% insiders and 81.23% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Compugen's industry, Biotech Stocks , is 108.49%, which Compugen falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Compugen?

Compugen’s largest shareholders are Silverarc capital management (1.5M shares, 1.68%), Taylor frigon capital management (1.31M shares, 1.47%), and Renaissance (1.29M shares, 1.44%). Together, they hold 4.59% of Compugen’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Compugen?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Compugen.

Who is Compugen’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Taylor frigon capital management is Compugen’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 1.05% of its assets in 1.31M Compugen shares, valued at 2.21M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Compugen shares?

Macquarie Healthcare I is the top mutual fund holder of Compugen shares, with 1.14% of its total shares outstanding invested in 1.02M Compugen shares.

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