Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria Ownership | Who Owns Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria?


Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria Ownership Summary

Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria is owned by 15.90% institutional investors, and 84.10% retail investors. Macquarie group is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 3.99% of CRESY shares. Delaware Emerging Markets Instl is the top mutual fund, with 2.81% of its assets in Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria shares.

CRESY Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockCresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria15.90%-84.10%
SectorIndustrials Stocks 64.11%10.54%25.36%
IndustryConglomerate Stocks 68.87%6.11%25.01%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Macquarie group2.31M3.99%$19.03M
683 capital management841.00K1.45%$6.91M
Kopernik global investors778.89K1.34%$6.40M
Millennium management467.49K0.81%$3.84M
Mirae asset global etfs433.44K0.75%$3.56M
Vr advisory services416.11K0.72%$3.42M
Glenorchy capital214.13K0.37%$1.76M
Nexpoint asset management169.42K0.29%$1.39M
Sei investments124.13K0.21%$1.02M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Crocodile capital partners gmbh80.00K2.81%$1.01B
Vr advisory services416.11K1.38%$3.42M
Kopernik global investors778.89K0.72%$6.40M
Helikon investments456.78K0.60%$5.77M
Glenorchy capital214.13K0.55%$1.76M
683 capital management841.00K0.52%$6.91M
Meixler investment management49.74K0.46%$628.23K
Ping capital management145.30K0.44%$1.84M
Hosking partners llp663.43K0.33%$8.38M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Mirae asset global etfs433.44K0.01%433.44K
B. riley wealth advisors107.50K0.02%107.50K
Herr investment group99.86K0.05%99.86K
Crocodile capital partners gmbh80.00K2.81%80.00K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Ubs asset management americas---192.37K
Helikon investments456.78K0.60%-180.85K
Hosking partners llp663.43K0.33%-128.03K
Mirae asset global investments---109.83K
Millennium management467.49K0.00%-76.94K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Mirae asset global etfs433.44K0.01%433.44K$3.56M
B. riley wealth advisors107.50K0.02%107.50K$883.65K
Herr investment group99.86K0.05%99.86K$820.85K
Crocodile capital partners gmbh80.00K2.81%80.00K$1.01B

Sold Out

Lindbrook capital-3.00
Creekmur asset management-151.00
Glen eagle advisors-784.00
Activest wealth management-4.10K
Qube research-5.44K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202456-5.08%8,548,237-2.82%156.90%22-8.33%12-20.00%
Jun 30, 2024581.75%8,795,14018.40%158.92%23-28.13%15-6.25%
Mar 31, 202457-7,428,626-2.93%137.81%323.23%1614.29%
Dec 31, 20235718.75%7,652,67016.37%1210.61%31106.67%14-6.67%
Sep 30, 202348-2.04%6,575,9082.68%119.55%15-55.88%1536.36%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Delaware Emerging Markets Instl1.68M2.81%-
Macquarie Emerging Markets Equity1.68M2.80%-
Macquarie Emerging Markets Instl1.68M2.80%-
Global X MSCI Argentina ETF1.10M1.84%6.87K
Kopernik Global All-Cap I713.29K1.19%-
Heptagon Kopernik Glb AllCp Eq C $ Acc416.43K0.70%-
Macquarie VIP Emerging Markets Standard294.02K0.49%-
White Fleet II – SGVP Gbl Val Eq IB EUR192.37K0.32%-
White Fleet II SGVP Glbl Val Eq EB€Acc192.37K0.32%-
Warburg Value B141.97K0.24%-

CRESY Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria?

Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 15.90%, followed by 0% insiders and 0% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria's industry, Conglomerate Stocks , is 68.87%, which Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria?

Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria’s largest shareholders are Macquarie group (2.31M shares, 3.99%), 683 capital management (841K shares, 1.45%), and Kopernik global investors (778.89K shares, 1.34%). Together, they hold 6.79% of Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria?

Yes, BlackRock owns 0.27% of Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria, totaling 156.77K shares as of Jun 2024. This represents 0% of BlackRock's total assets, with a market value of 1.29M$. In the last quarter, BlackRock increased its holdings by 15.84K shares, a 11.24% change.

Who is Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Systrade is Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 3.15% of its assets in 146.28K Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria shares, valued at 1.85M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria shares?

Delaware Emerging Markets Instl is the top mutual fund holder of Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria shares, with 2.81% of its total shares outstanding invested in 1.68M Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria shares.

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