Embraer Ownership | Who Owns Embraer?


Embraer Ownership Summary

Embraer is owned by 38.55% institutional investors, and 61.45% retail investors. Brandes investment partners, lp is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 6.69% of ERJ shares. Invesco Discovery A is the top mutual fund, with 0.57% of its assets in Embraer shares.

ERJ Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
SectorIndustrials Stocks 64.16%10.53%25.31%
IndustryDefense Stocks55.75%11.07%33.18%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Brandes investment partners, lp12.27M6.69%$319.29M
Morgan stanley7.15M3.89%$184.39M
American century companies2.30M1.26%$59.45M
Bank of america corp /de/2.25M1.23%$58.17M
Gilder gagnon howe2.08M1.13%$53.61M
Becker capital management1.85M1.01%$47.74M
Goldman sachs group1.85M1.01%$47.64M
Carrhae capital llp1.80M0.98%$46.46M
Dimensional fund advisors lp1.69M0.92%$43.49M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Carrhae capital llp1.80M5.36%$46.46M
Brandes investment partners, lp12.27M3.93%$319.29M
Oldfield partners llp558.32K2.72%$14.40M
Vr advisory services250.00K2.61%$6.45M
Spx gestao de recursos ltda661.83K2.54%$17.08M
Future fund25.69K1.68%$668.99K
Becker capital management1.85M1.64%$47.74M
Masters capital management975.00K1.42%$25.16M
Nicholas investment partners, lp526.49K1.41%$13.58M
Ipg investment advisors238.94K1.35%$6.16M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Morgan stanley7.15M0.01%4.37M
Gilder gagnon howe2.08M0.67%2.08M
Carrhae capital llp1.80M5.36%1.01M
Arrowstreet capital, limited partnership1.09M0.02%874.31K
Goldman sachs group1.85M0.01%781.38K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Brandes investment partners, lp12.27M3.93%-3.41M
Mangrove partners---1.29M
Itau unibanco718.62K0.75%-764.35K
Millennium management494.77K0.01%-698.54K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Gilder gagnon howe2.08M0.67%2.08M$53.61M
National bank of canada /fi/195.46K0.01%195.46K$5.06M
Sg americas securities95.29K0.01%95.29K$2.46M
State of new jersey common pension fund d58.80K0.01%58.80K$1.52M
Channing global advisors57.01K1.23%57.01K$1.47M

Sold Out

Ghp investment advisors-40.00
Jones financial companies lllp-62.00
Entrypoint capital-90.00
Org partners-190.00
Hollencrest capital management-500.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202429512.60%70,794,4512.22%382.71%14912.03%975.43%
Jun 30, 20242589.79%69,248,9939.50%373.18%1305.69%9224.32%
Mar 31, 202423516.34%63,243,600-5.92%342.39%12350.00%74-
Dec 31, 202320210.38%67,221,5473.90%372.84%82-7413.85%
Sep 30, 202318319.61%64,700,8021.40%363.03%8228.13%6514.04%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Invesco Discovery A1.05M0.57%685.39K
American Century Emerging Markets Inv955.60K0.52%-
American Century Emerging Markets955.60K0.52%-
DFA Emerging Markets Core Equity I905.78K0.49%-
Bridge Builder Small/Mid Cap Value819.66K0.45%-4.58K
Artemis Global Income I Acc798.44K0.43%47.83K
Brandes Emerging Markets Value Eq ADR781.07K0.43%780.81K
DNB Global Emerging Markets A704.54K0.38%63.47K
Nuveen International Opps Prem684.16K0.37%-
CREF Stock R1679.05K0.37%266.44K

ERJ Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Embraer?

Embraer shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 38.55%, followed by 0% insiders and 0% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Embraer's industry, Defense Stocks, is 55.75%, which Embraer falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Embraer?

Embraer’s largest shareholders are Brandes investment partners, lp (12.27M shares, 6.69%), Morgan stanley (7.15M shares, 3.89%), and Fmr (2.51M shares, 1.37%). Together, they hold 11.95% of Embraer’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Embraer?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Embraer.

Who is Embraer’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Carrhae capital llp is Embraer’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 5.36% of its assets in 1.8M Embraer shares, valued at 46.46M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Embraer shares?

Invesco Discovery A is the top mutual fund holder of Embraer shares, with 0.57% of its total shares outstanding invested in 1.05M Embraer shares.

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