Hawks Acquisition Ownership 2024 | Who Owns Hawks Acquisition Now?


Hawks Acquisition Insider Shareholders Trades

Open Market Insider Trades

DateNameRelationRoleTransactionBuy/SellSharesPriceValueShares HeldSource

Open Market Insider Buys

DateNameRelationRoleTransactionBuy/SellSharesPriceValueShares HeldSource

Insider Sells

DateNameRelationRoleTransactionBuy/SellSharesPriceValueShares HeldSource
Oct 07, 2021MILLS JOSEPH Adirector-Sell40,000---
Oct 07, 2021DAVIS EUGENE Idirector-Sell40,000---

All Insider Owners Trades

DateNameRelationRoleTransactionBuy/SellSharesPriceValueShares HeldSource
Oct 07, 2021MILLS JOSEPH Adirector-Sell40,000---
Oct 07, 2021DAVIS EUGENE Idirector-Sell40,000---
Oct 07, 2021Hawks Carneydirector, 10 percent owner, other See RemarksBuy5,482,000---

The last insider sell of Hawks Acquisition's stock was made by MILLS JOSEPH A on Oct 07 2021, selling 40,000 shares at - per share (valued at -).

Hawks Acquisition Insider Ownership Trends

All Insider Trades Trend

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Open Market Insider Trades Trend

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