Lloyds Banking Group Ownership | Who Owns Lloyds Banking Group?


Lloyds Banking Group Ownership Summary

Lloyds Banking Group is owned by 2.55% institutional investors, and 97.45% retail investors. Mondrian investment partners is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 0.12% of LYG shares. Russell Investments Core Equity SMA is the top mutual fund, with 0.18% of its assets in Lloyds Banking Group shares.

LYG Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockLloyds Banking Group2.55%-97.45%
SectorFinancial Services Stocks 86.48%14.02%-0.50%
IndustryRegional Banks Stocks51.80%12.03%36.18%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Mondrian investment partners74.72M0.12%$226.39M
Arrowstreet capital, limited partnership24.07M0.04%$65.70M
Goldman sachs group22.61M0.04%$61.71M
Morgan stanley18.39M0.03%$50.20M
Dimensional fund advisors lp16.41M0.03%$44.82M
Bank of america corp /de/14.54M0.02%$39.69M
Clearbridge investments13.28M0.02%$36.25M
Cibc private wealth group12.41M0.02%$37.11M
Northern trust10.56M0.02%$28.84M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Cowen investment management4.42M18.20%$12.07M
Mondrian investment partners74.72M3.48%$226.39M
English capital management629.12K1.44%$1.72M
Timber creek capital management1.37M1.13%$3.75M
Henry james management968.85K0.94%$2.64M
Janney capital management4.84M0.93%$13.22M
Twin city private wealth355.86K0.92%$971.51K
Bard financial services2.57M0.73%$7.02M
Advisors management group inc /adv1.06M0.72%$2.90M
Semmax financial advisors779.59K0.70%$2.32M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Clearbridge investments13.28M0.03%13.28M
Bank of america corp /de/14.54M0.00%5.95M
Arrowstreet capital, limited partnership24.07M0.06%3.74M
Envestnet asset management8.58M0.01%2.84M
Norges bank2.00M0.00%2.00M

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Mondrian investment partners74.72M3.48%-15.23M
Macquarie group7.23M0.02%-8.32M
Millennium management3.43M0.00%-2.30M
Dimensional fund advisors lp16.41M0.01%-1.46M

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Clearbridge investments13.28M0.03%13.28M$36.25M
Norges bank2.00M0.00%2.00M$5.46M
Drucker wealth 3.0754.34K0.55%754.34K$2.06M
Lockheed martin investment management555.00K0.09%555.00K$1.52M
Atria investments257.65K0.01%257.65K$703.38K

Sold Out

Bnp paribas arbitrage, snc-120.00
Householder group estate & retirement specialist-142.00
Lynx investment advisory-155.00
Harbor investment advisory-327.00
Hexagon capital partners-375.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 2024423-0.47%391,911,2874.63%245.14%250-5.66%11512.75%
Jun 30, 20244217.67%374,423,1671.02%-174.17%26122.54%102-12.82%
Mar 31, 2024391-370,645,035-1.28%-173.60%213-6.17%1179.35%
Dec 31, 202339112.03%375,459,25419.35%-238.62%22735.12%107-7.76%
Sep 30, 20233492.05%314,590,753-9.60%-172.72%168-8.20%11616.00%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Russell Investments Core Equity SMA26.71M0.18%-
Mondrian Int Eq Delivered Strategy24.25M0.16%-
Avantis International Equity ETF5.03M0.03%-
Janney Equity Income4.87M0.03%-11.97K
Dimensional International Value ETF4.37M0.03%-
Dimensional International Core Eq 2 ETF4.26M0.03%-
Steward Global Equity Income Fund I1.89M0.01%-29.64K
DFA International Value I1.33M0.01%-2.77K
ActivePassive International Equity ETF1.28M0.01%4.60K
JPM International ADR-MA1.12M0.01%1.12M

LYG Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Lloyds Banking Group?

Lloyds Banking Group shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 2.55%, followed by 0% insiders and 0% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Lloyds Banking Group's industry, Regional Banks Stocks, is 51.80%, which Lloyds Banking Group falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Lloyds Banking Group?

Lloyds Banking Group’s largest shareholders are Mondrian investment partners (74.72M shares, 0.12%), Arrowstreet capital, limited partnership (24.07M shares, 0.04%), and Goldman sachs group (22.61M shares, 0.04%). Together, they hold 0.19% of Lloyds Banking Group’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Lloyds Banking Group?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Lloyds Banking Group.

Who is Lloyds Banking Group’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Cowen investment management is Lloyds Banking Group’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 18.20% of its assets in 4.42M Lloyds Banking Group shares, valued at 12.07M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Lloyds Banking Group shares?

Russell Investments Core Equity SMA is the top mutual fund holder of Lloyds Banking Group shares, with 0.18% of its total shares outstanding invested in 26.71M Lloyds Banking Group shares.

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