ProQR Therapeutics Ownership | Who Owns ProQR Therapeutics?


ProQR Therapeutics Ownership Summary

ProQR Therapeutics is owned by 21.36% institutional investors, 14.50% insiders, and 64.14% retail investors. Privium fund management b.v. is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 6.84% of PRQR shares. Beleggingsfonds Hoofbosch is the top mutual fund, with 0.76% of its assets in ProQR Therapeutics shares.

PRQR Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockProQR Therapeutics21.36%14.50%64.14%
SectorHealthcare Stocks 88.01%8.90%3.09%
IndustryBiotech Stocks 109.70%8.77%-18.47%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Privium fund management b.v.5.58M6.84%$9.21M
Adage capital partners gp3.63M4.44%$6.02M
Ecor1 capital2.04M2.50%$3.39M
M28 capital management lp1.02M1.25%$1.69M
Dafna capital management905.58K1.11%$1.50M
Ghost tree capital900.00K1.10%$1.49M
Macquarie group620.00K0.76%$1.03M
Ikarian capital483.58K0.59%$802.75K
Deutsche bank ag\385.15K0.47%$639.35K
Monaco asset management sam296.62K0.36%$786.04K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Privium fund management b.v.5.58M2.35%$9.21M
M28 capital management lp1.02M2.19%$1.69M
Ghost tree capital900.00K0.47%$1.49M
Dafna capital management905.58K0.36%$1.50M
Ikarian capital483.58K0.14%$802.75K
Monaco asset management sam296.62K0.11%$786.04K
Ecor1 capital2.04M0.10%$3.39M
Franklin street advisors inc /nc150.00K0.03%$398.00K
Adage capital partners gp3.63M0.01%$6.02M
Boothbay fund management106.70K0.00%$177.13K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Ghost tree capital900.00K0.47%900.00K
Privium fund management b.v.5.58M2.35%236.28K
M&t bank124.77K0.00%124.77K
Raymond james financial97.93K0.00%97.93K
Blackrock funding, inc. /de101.31K-97.36K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Ecor1 capital2.04M0.10%-841.59K
Millennium management148.36K0.00%-180.63K
Squarepoint ops84.73K0.00%-67.77K
Bank of america corp /de/73.16K--36.94K
Citadel advisors1.80K--34.20K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Ghost tree capital900.00K0.47%900.00K$1.49M
M&t bank124.77K0.00%124.77K$330.32K
Raymond james financial97.93K0.00%97.93K$259.51K
Schonfeld strategic advisors61.90K0.00%61.90K$102.75K
Pnc financial services group28.90K0.00%28.90K$76.59K

Sold Out

Qube research-33.00
Tower research capital llc (trc)-821.00
Flaharty asset management-2.00K
Lazard asset management-4.15K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202449-2.00%17,443,8660.89%214.75%1566.67%12-20.00%
Jun 30, 202450-1.96%17,290,686-0.56%214.32%9-35.71%15-
Mar 31, 2024516.25%17,387,495-5.46%224.30%1416.67%1525.00%
Dec 31, 2023486.67%18,391,472-1.74%224.25%129.09%129.09%
Sep 30, 202345-15.09%18,716,284-11.45%233.39%11-45.00%1110.00%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Beleggingsfonds Hoofbosch800.00K0.76%-
Delaware Healthcare I620.00K0.60%-
Macquarie Healthcare I620.00K0.59%-
Meridian Small Cap Growth Legacy520.25K0.49%520.25K
ArrowMark Small Cap Gro520.25K0.49%520.25K
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6249.00K0.24%249.00K
Avantis International Small Cap Val ETF65.54K0.06%-
Xtrackers S&P 500 Swap ETF 1C56.84K0.05%-
Xtrackers MSCI World Swap ETF 1C51.92K0.05%-
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index48.82K0.05%2.15K

PRQR Ownership FAQ

Who Owns ProQR Therapeutics?

ProQR Therapeutics shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 21.36%, followed by 14.50% insiders and 64.14% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in ProQR Therapeutics's industry, Biotech Stocks , is 109.70%, which ProQR Therapeutics falls below.

Who owns the most shares of ProQR Therapeutics?

ProQR Therapeutics’s largest shareholders are Privium fund management b.v. (5.58M shares, 6.84%), Adage capital partners gp (3.63M shares, 4.44%), and Ecor1 capital (2.04M shares, 2.50%). Together, they hold 13.79% of ProQR Therapeutics’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own ProQR Therapeutics?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of ProQR Therapeutics.

Who is ProQR Therapeutics’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Privium fund management b.v is ProQR Therapeutics’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 2.35% of its assets in 5.58M ProQR Therapeutics shares, valued at 9.21M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of ProQR Therapeutics shares?

Beleggingsfonds Hoofbosch is the top mutual fund holder of ProQR Therapeutics shares, with 0.76% of its total shares outstanding invested in 800K ProQR Therapeutics shares.

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