Toronto-Dominion Bank Ownership | Who Owns Toronto-Dominion Bank?


Toronto-Dominion Bank Ownership Summary

Toronto-Dominion Bank is owned by 72.13% institutional investors, 0.09% insiders, and 27.78% retail investors. Vanguard group is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 4.05% of TD shares. HSBC Australian Dollar Liqdty X AUD Inc is the top mutual fund, with 5.44% of its assets in Toronto-Dominion Bank shares.

TD Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockToronto-Dominion Bank72.13%0.09%27.78%
SectorFinancial Services Stocks 86.48%14.02%-0.50%
IndustryDiversified Banks Stocks38.46%1.12%60.42%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Vanguard group71.41M4.05%$3.92B
Td asset management40.90M2.32%$2.25B
Bank of nova scotia35.67M2.02%$1.96B
National bank of canada /fi/29.88M1.69%$1.63B
Mackenzie financial26.00M1.47%$1.43B
1832 asset management25.80M1.46%$1.42B
Federation des caisses desjardins du quebec19.57M1.11%$1.08B
Norges bank19.03M1.08%$1.05B
Beutel, goodman16.48M0.94%$905.79M
Cibc asset management15.66M0.89%$860.39M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Scheer, rowlett & associates investment management1.90M7.99%$104.31M
Lincluden management1.10M7.33%$60.33M
Aviso financial2.21M6.75%$121.10M
Heathbridge capital management254.78K5.93%$14.00M
Federation des caisses desjardins du quebec19.57M5.77%$1.08B
Sprucegrove investment management1.95M5.54%$106.96M
Intact investment management2.55M5.23%$139.89M
Bank of nova scotia trust826.93K5.08%$45.45M
Beutel, goodman16.48M4.81%$905.79M
Td waterhouse canada9.56M4.69%$524.27M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Norges bank19.03M0.16%19.03M
Federation des caisses desjardins du quebec19.57M5.77%14.10M
Charles schwab investment management4.65M0.05%4.65M
Ubs asset management americas2.90M0.05%2.90M
Dimensional fund advisors lp5.81M0.08%2.22M

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Healthcare of ontario pension plan trust fund3.73M0.59%-5.37M
Bank of nova scotia35.67M3.84%-4.84M
Sumitomo mitsui trust---4.14M

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Norges bank19.03M0.16%19.03M$1.05B
Charles schwab investment management4.65M0.05%4.65M$255.52M
Ubs asset management americas2.90M0.05%2.90M$159.49M
Aviso financial2.21M6.75%2.21M$121.10M
Northwest & ethical investments659.98K1.04%659.98K$36.28M

Sold Out

First command advisory services-4.00
Carolina wealth advisors-10.00
Td capital management-11.00
Asset dedication-18.00
Opal wealth advisors-19.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 20247130.42%912,731,3121.23%722.76%2645.18%277-6.10%
Jun 30, 2024698-4.51%900,337,422-0.96%511.92%248-7.81%290-1.02%
Mar 31, 20247311.11%909,078,156-1.83%511.90%269-6.27%2936.93%
Dec 31, 20237238.23%926,041,917-1.77%521.91%28710.38%27420.18%
Sep 30, 2023668-6.18%942,747,534-4.39%521.81%260-13.62%228-5.39%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
HSBC Australian Dollar Liqdty X AUD Inc95.00M5.44%95.00M
Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index Inv24.69M1.41%63.81K
RBC Canadian Dividend Fund A17.38M0.99%-
Vanguard Developed Markets Index Admiral15.21M0.87%15.56K
Vanguard Instl Ttl Intl Stk Mkt Idx TrII12.41M0.71%97.40K
iShares S&P/TSX 60 ETF9.91M0.57%-126.17K
Scotia Canadian Dividend A9.40M0.54%-833.80K
TD Dividend Growth - I8.02M0.46%-
BMO Equal Weight Banks ETF8.00M0.46%828.89K
iShares Core S&P/TSX Capped Compost ETF7.15M0.41%3.88K

Insider Transactions Trends

2023 Q3--
2022 Q4--

TD Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Toronto-Dominion Bank?

Toronto-Dominion Bank shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 72.13%, followed by 0.09% insiders and 27.78% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Toronto-Dominion Bank's industry, Diversified Banks Stocks, is 38.46%, which Toronto-Dominion Bank exceeds.

Who owns the most shares of Toronto-Dominion Bank?

Toronto-Dominion Bank’s largest shareholders are Vanguard group (71.41M shares, 4.05%), Td asset management (40.9M shares, 2.32%), and Bank of nova scotia (35.67M shares, 2.02%). Together, they hold 8.39% of Toronto-Dominion Bank’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Toronto-Dominion Bank?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Toronto-Dominion Bank.

Who is Toronto-Dominion Bank’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Scheer, rowlett & associates investment management is Toronto-Dominion Bank’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 7.99% of its assets in 1.9M Toronto-Dominion Bank shares, valued at 104.31M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Toronto-Dominion Bank shares?

HSBC Australian Dollar Liqdty X AUD Inc is the top mutual fund holder of Toronto-Dominion Bank shares, with 5.44% of its total shares outstanding invested in 95M Toronto-Dominion Bank shares.

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