West Fraser Timber Ownership | Who Owns West Fraser Timber?


West Fraser Timber Ownership Summary

West Fraser Timber is owned by 37.90% institutional investors, 33.73% insiders, and 28.36% retail investors. Vanguard group is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 3.44% of WFG shares. RBC Canadian Dividend Fund A is the top mutual fund, with 1.42% of its assets in West Fraser Timber shares.

WFG Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockWest Fraser Timber37.90%33.73%28.36%
SectorBasic Materials Stocks 53.61%10.26%36.13%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Vanguard group2.81M3.44%$215.84M
Pictet asset management sa1.31M1.61%$102.45M
Letko, brosseau & associates1.13M1.38%$86.73M
Price t rowe associates inc /md/1.09M1.33%$83.48M
1832 asset management989.37K1.21%$76.05M
Norges bank951.86K1.17%$73.11M
Van lanschot kempen investment management692.45K0.85%$72.76M
Thrivent financial for lutherans684.86K0.84%$52.65M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Impala asset management125.00K8.68%$9.60M
Fulcrum asset management llp29.58K5.59%$1.79M
Galibier capital management279.65K5.34%$21.47M
Robotti robert330.63K3.98%$25.42M
Letko, brosseau & associates1.13M1.64%$86.73M
Corecommodity management36.40K1.08%$2.79M
Scheer, rowlett & associates investment management140.68K0.83%$10.81M
Van lanschot kempen investment management692.45K0.81%$72.76M
Manning & napier advisors557.91K0.48%$42.89M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Norges bank951.86K0.01%951.86K
Thrivent financial for lutherans684.86K0.11%684.86K
Manning & napier advisors557.91K0.48%557.91K
Charles schwab investment management300.37K0.00%300.37K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Connor, clark & lunn investment management361.95K0.12%-869.13K
Pictet asset management sa1.31M0.12%-764.59K
Millennium management5.52K0.00%-497.86K
Bank of america corp /de/42.51K0.00%-485.46K
Mackenzie financial281.62K0.03%-475.41K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Norges bank951.86K0.01%951.86K$73.11M
Thrivent financial for lutherans684.86K0.11%684.86K$52.65M
Manning & napier advisors557.91K0.48%557.91K$42.89M
Charles schwab investment management300.37K0.00%300.37K$23.06M
Ubs asset management americas84.81K0.00%84.81K$6.52M

Sold Out

Global retirement partners-13.00
Smartleaf asset management-14.00
Rfp financial group-33.00
Optiver b.v.-180.00
Walleye capital-188.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 20242180.93%30,453,5970.70%372.73%92-18.58%9434.29%
Jun 30, 20242143.38%30,265,296-1.53%372.62%11320.21%69-15.85%
Mar 31, 20242072.48%30,735,720-2.57%372.62%94-4.08%829.33%
Dec 31, 2023202-3.81%31,547,0855.04%372.93%983.16%75-5.06%
Sep 30, 20232102.94%30,034,826-2.36%352.65%953.26%793.95%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
RBC Canadian Dividend Fund A1.14M1.42%-
Fidelity Canadian Large Cap Sr B1.05M1.31%18.00K
Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index Inv1.05M1.31%3.04K
Fidelity Canadian Growth Company Sr B657.60K0.82%45.80K
Vanguard Developed Markets Index Admiral644.05K0.80%221.00
Fidelity Special Situations Series F586.60K0.73%14.20K
Thrivent Small Cap Stock A556.82K0.69%11.85K
Vanguard Instl Ttl Intl Stk Mkt Idx TrII526.57K0.66%3.73K
Pictet-Global Megatrend Sel I USD494.92K0.62%-5.86K
Fidelity Canadian Large Cp Mlt Ast Bs O480.00K0.60%7.00K

WFG Ownership FAQ

Who owns the most shares of West Fraser Timber?

West Fraser Timber’s largest shareholders are Vanguard group (2.81M shares, 3.44%), Fil (2.72M shares, 3.33%), and Pictet asset management sa (1.31M shares, 1.61%). Together, they hold 8.37% of West Fraser Timber’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own West Fraser Timber?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of West Fraser Timber.

Who is West Fraser Timber’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Impala asset management is West Fraser Timber’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 8.68% of its assets in 125K West Fraser Timber shares, valued at 9.6M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of West Fraser Timber shares?

RBC Canadian Dividend Fund A is the top mutual fund holder of West Fraser Timber shares, with 1.42% of its total shares outstanding invested in 1.14M West Fraser Timber shares.

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